Shocking! It is barely over 2 months since the inauguration of president Obama and the destruction of capitalism is proceeding at a breakneck speed with nary a whimper from the media and only tepid response from the GOP. Yet, look what's happened and is about to happen as well as what may happen. A two pronged attack on the major pillars of U.S. Commerce are under attack. The government is boldly using our tax money as well as borrowed and printed money to gain control of the banking and automobile industries. The poor bastards that accepted government money soon learned that their benefactor was no better than a Godfather Corleone loan arrangement. He's making them all offers they can't refuse. Today's action was classic fascist/mafioso! Obama , after toying with GM for several months pulled the rug out from under the GM CEO. The real reason is that the government can now control the makeup of GM and install its own "team". Look for positions on the new Board at Government Motors (GM) to include environmentalists, union personnnel, and greenies. Then Government Motors will become Green Motors (GM). To complete the strategy el duce wannabe said to Chrysler , "hey, nothing personal, only guys go make a deal with my Italian buddies at Fiat and I'll give you my blessing, understand?" So there we have it. Little shit boxes made in Italy will be the early green wave to be followed by the government designed green buggies at GM. Then there will be a massive global warming attack on SUVs and "oversized" sedans, etc. It will begin with painful excise taxes on these vehicles. The ultimate move will be a mandate that all owners of "listed" vehicles have six months to "trade" in their enemies of the planet at your local government car dealer for a "fair value" trade toward an eco friendly Al Gore approved shit box.
The obscene level of spending that Obama has embarked on will bankrupt us. That's not just my opinion but was recently specifically put that way by Senator Judd Gregg(R-NH)! There are already rumblings regarding abandoning the dollar for a "global" reserve currency. Again, not rumors from wild eyed conspiratorialists but from our own Tiny Tim Geithner. In any case, the rate of spending and accumulation of debt is beyond what the economy can support for years if not for ever given that Social Security and Medicare will explode on the scene very shortly. So we can either look forward to waking up some day to learn that the dollar is kaput and we can go to the government banks when they re-open to get our new funny global paper. (All the more reason to have some gold tucked away). Or, they may simply try to print their way out of debt resulting in super if not hyper inflation.
So there you have it. In only 2 short months. Chaos and destruction of wealth.
He's not done there, however. Redistribution of wealth is proceeding headlong. It will get worse with time. The insidious nature of the Obama plan is that those that pay no tax at all is approaching 50%. This is a formula for perpetuating the socialist agenda.
And finally, we can all look forward to National Health Care! Make no mistake, it will happen. The House and Senate are set up for it. In fact, Pelosi has already indicated she may use the "reconciliation" move which in essence ignores the minority party allowing legislation to be rammed through on a one party vote. Let's see how the UAW likes that as their sweetheart health plans get replaced by your friendly government worker agent. After all, some folks have called GM a Health Plan company that happens to make cars.
Do not despair, however. We can still save our Republic. Watch the grassroots movements like the Tea Parties and others grow to impressive dimensions such that the national media will have to report it. Obama is going to eventually tip over the wrong bowl of rice and some of his "friends" will get pissed off. When the media turns on Him it won't be pretty. Take a reading from the NY special election on March 31st to fill the House seat vacated by the person appointed to Hillary's Senate seat. A win by Jim Tedisco (R) will be significant. But we all must do more than watch! Work for candidates, write letters to editors, contribute to candidates not the party machine, debate your friends, get smart on the truth about global warming. By the way, I haven't even touched on Cap and Trade here (mentioned it in an earlier post).
I've got to run now because I have a warranty issue on my GM car and I need to get hold of my new warrantor, Barack Hussein Obama!
Who is John Galt?
Welcome to The Right Place
"The Right Place" blog presents a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to returning to and preserving the fundamental concepts of limited government, free markets, individual liberty and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Each of these areas are being challenged in today's political environment.
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For a change of pace the blog provides access to updates on sports as well as other interesting links (see side bar at right).
Comments are welcome. Thank you for reading.
We The People ........
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Words matter!
Don't look now but our government is systematically destroying our language. In a two pronged attack not only is our currency being debased through massive debt monitization but now our language, already compromised by political correctness madness, is being further debased at an alarming rate by this administration. What's particularly unnerving is that much of the recent language modification has come from "Homeland Security" and being forced on the Pentagon. The Pentagon can no longer refer to the " Global War on Terror" or "Long War" but the language police issued the the appropriate term of "Overseas Contingency Operation". We can no longer refer to a terrorist attack but rather it's a "man-caused disaster". Let's apply this standard to a headline we may have seen on December 8th, 1941 the day after Pearl Harbor: "Enemy sneak attack at Pearl Harbor ignites World War II!" Now translate that into 2009 speech: "Man-Caused Disaster at Pearl Harbor ignites Overseas Contingency Operation II" God help us! "Enemy combatant" has been stricken from the language (no PC substitute yet issued). It is no longer government "spending" it is government "investing". Money given by the government to people who pay NO TAXES s called a "Tax Cut". In a recent interview in a German newspaper given by HS Secretary Napolitano, she said the following when asked about the word games being played: "perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear". Nuance indeed. There will be little nuance in a man-caused disaster of the release of a dirty bomb in the United States. A terrorist attack IS a terrorist attack Secretary Nepolitano and you and all the other sniveling liberals will never strip knowledge from objective thinking Americans. I'm waiting for the next language gymnastic event related to the Gitmo boys. There is talk that some of the detainees will be released into our communities and in fact be provided with "assistance". Of course they will not be referred to as "suspected terrorists" or even "Guantanamo Detainees" but rather " Liberated Foreigners" of course.
Pray for our Republic, my friends.
Pray for our Republic, my friends.
Where are our leaders?
Just imagine as you view the video below, substituting United States for Great Britain and President Obama for Prime Minster Brown. The member of Parliament, Daniel Hannon, delivering the speech on the floor of Parliament is standing face to face with the Prime Minister. Would that the United States could find a person of such courage!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
On March 18th, under cover of all the AIG and economic turmoil, the House of Representatives passed the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act by a House vote of 321-105. It now goes to the Senate. (By the way, don't you just love the acronym game that is played?) To view the whole Bill (click here). The Act purports to build on the AmeriCorps concept which had its roots in the John Kennedy "Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) corps. These organizations were originally intended to promote volunteerism in the U.S. to help depressed areas such as Appalachia and others. Now, with more money available through both the stimulus Act and GIVE the concept of volunteerism is augmented with pay and other benefits including tuition benefits. GIVE will initially expand the AmeriCorps from 75,000 to 250,000 "volunteers"! And that's surely just the beginning.The areas of "service" are expanded in GIVE to include: Clean Energy, Education, Health and Veterans Service. Areas such as energy conservation and household energy efficiencies are also included. (see the excerpt below that pertains to Energy)
Sounds like a good idea, right? Let's get citizens involved in helping each other out. Well, not so fast...let's take a look at what President Obama had to say last year as candidate Obama..........
Let's put some facts together, now. The stimulus bill provides billions to community organizer groups. The Bill also reduces the charitable donations deduction for upper wage scale taxpayers with the likelihood of reduced donations. The result will provide for government to fill the void through GIVE. "Volunteers" are paid. There is a short step from voluntary service to mandatory service to help implement Obama's vision as articulated in the above video. Does any of this ring a bell to the 1930s in Europe?
Helping each other is an inherent attribute among Americans. We do it without being asked or paid. Putting GIVE in place, managed by politicians, has to generate some skepticism if not outright alarm given the direction we see this administration taking our country.
Sounds like a good idea, right? Let's get citizens involved in helping each other out. Well, not so fast...let's take a look at what President Obama had to say last year as candidate Obama..........
Let's put some facts together, now. The stimulus bill provides billions to community organizer groups. The Bill also reduces the charitable donations deduction for upper wage scale taxpayers with the likelihood of reduced donations. The result will provide for government to fill the void through GIVE. "Volunteers" are paid. There is a short step from voluntary service to mandatory service to help implement Obama's vision as articulated in the above video. Does any of this ring a bell to the 1930s in Europe?
Helping each other is an inherent attribute among Americans. We do it without being asked or paid. Putting GIVE in place, managed by politicians, has to generate some skepticism if not outright alarm given the direction we see this administration taking our country.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A must view video!
As the Congress obsesses with executive bonuses, ignoring their own failings and Obama plays kissy face with Iran, Islamofascists are not taking a holiday .......
Friday, March 20, 2009
Real Climate Change
There's a definite chill this morning throughout the country. This phenomenon, however, is not meteorological. It is tyrannical! We are witnessing an astonishing unleashing of government power against citizens. The Congress , reacting to a populist lynch mob mentality flamed by the president , the media, and hypocritical members of the legislature have come up with the ultimate solution...the full force of government against businessmen. We'll show them who's boss they cry. Now, there is room for debate about the merits of some of the bonuses paid at AIG strictly on a performance basis. But when a fascist takeover of an enterprise by ham handed government takes place there is no room for objective analysis. Government, frustrated by their own impotence to manage anything efficiently lashes out to cover up their own culpability. Imagine Charlie Rangel, with the stench of tax cheating on his slick hair, bellowing at AIG and delighting in the fact that after the Fed takes 90% the States will take the rest. Now that's justice! Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi (give me some more of that inside stock in windmills gal) and land deal whorehouse Harry Reid all jumping on board the pitch fork brigade! Sadly, much of the public , fueled by union and "community organizer" demonstrations delight in seeing those greedy bastards at AIG get theirs!
But where does a blood lust government stop? Who's next on the list? Which weapon of wholesale destruction will be used next, IRS, EPA, DOE, Commerce, Congress, Executive Order?
We are witnessing an all out attack on capitalism at every level of government. Using the tax code to punish citizens is frightening enough. But that is just the beginning. More and more of our freedoms will come under fire in the coming months and years under this power crazed administration. The reckless spending is accumulating a massive debt which will smother economic activity for decades. If allowed, National health care will become a curse on all of us. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TRUST YOUR HEALTH CARE TO THESE FOOLS you are witnessing at their "very best" in the AIG so called crisis?
Will you let them continue to lie about man made global warming to pass the largest money grab scheme we have ever seen with a Cap and Trade statute? The C&P monster will hit everyone smack in the wallet through huge increases in utility and energy costs. Businesses will again come under attack for "destroying" the planet thus giving an excuse for more confiscatory action against them and ultimately a takeover. Technology, once the engine of progress and a sense of pride in the USA will be used against the citizenry. The early steps in that direction were contained in the so called stimulus bill with the electronic medical records "plan". Sounds innocent enough, right? Makes medical delivery more efficient, etc. If it were in the hands of the providers and patients I would agree. But massive medical information on all of us in the hands of government is a prescription for disaster. Decisions on delivery systems can now be made in Washington based on "numbers".
You are hearing more talk on the energy side about the "smart grid". Sounds great! Efficient management of energy, right? Wrong! The ultimate goal is to extend the intelligent system down to the consumer level where control of every aspect of your energy consumption will be in the hands of government. The result will be to create financial penalties for "over use" of energy or out and out rationing for the greater good of the planet.
So go ahead, revel in the new direction. Hope and change! Appearances on Jay Leno! Teleprompter speeches right out of Orwell's 1984 . Oh, sigh, isn't he wonderful articulate.
Who is John Galt?
But where does a blood lust government stop? Who's next on the list? Which weapon of wholesale destruction will be used next, IRS, EPA, DOE, Commerce, Congress, Executive Order?
We are witnessing an all out attack on capitalism at every level of government. Using the tax code to punish citizens is frightening enough. But that is just the beginning. More and more of our freedoms will come under fire in the coming months and years under this power crazed administration. The reckless spending is accumulating a massive debt which will smother economic activity for decades. If allowed, National health care will become a curse on all of us. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TRUST YOUR HEALTH CARE TO THESE FOOLS you are witnessing at their "very best" in the AIG so called crisis?
Will you let them continue to lie about man made global warming to pass the largest money grab scheme we have ever seen with a Cap and Trade statute? The C&P monster will hit everyone smack in the wallet through huge increases in utility and energy costs. Businesses will again come under attack for "destroying" the planet thus giving an excuse for more confiscatory action against them and ultimately a takeover. Technology, once the engine of progress and a sense of pride in the USA will be used against the citizenry. The early steps in that direction were contained in the so called stimulus bill with the electronic medical records "plan". Sounds innocent enough, right? Makes medical delivery more efficient, etc. If it were in the hands of the providers and patients I would agree. But massive medical information on all of us in the hands of government is a prescription for disaster. Decisions on delivery systems can now be made in Washington based on "numbers".
You are hearing more talk on the energy side about the "smart grid". Sounds great! Efficient management of energy, right? Wrong! The ultimate goal is to extend the intelligent system down to the consumer level where control of every aspect of your energy consumption will be in the hands of government. The result will be to create financial penalties for "over use" of energy or out and out rationing for the greater good of the planet.
So go ahead, revel in the new direction. Hope and change! Appearances on Jay Leno! Teleprompter speeches right out of Orwell's 1984 . Oh, sigh, isn't he wonderful articulate.
Who is John Galt?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Let's talk strategy
I can't believe the head of the RNC, Michael Steele getting suckered into a losing brick brack with Rush Limbaugh. Yet, he did and it was masterfully engineered and strategized by the Democrat brain trust of Rahm Emanuel, James Carville, and Stanley Greenberg. Objective: Fracture the Republican support and cause a diversion from the outrageous new spending bill. Mission accomplished!
So where is the strategy from the GOP folks? Do they even have an objective? There must be a clear objective before any strategy is set in motion implemented by effective tactics. I submit the following:
Objective .......
Gain control of one or both chambers in the Congress.
Reason .......
Bring Obama's agenda to a screeching halt.
Some discussion before setting the strategy.....
Any military commander worth his stars when faced with an enemy who has more numbers and controls the high ground would never advocate attacking the strength of the enemy head on. He would seek out a weak spot to exploit and employ tactics to support his strategy.
The GOP is embarked on a losing strategy. They are focusing their attention on Obama who has strong poll numbers and continued broad popular support enhanced by a friendly media. A formidable opponent indeed. Taking him on head on is a loser! But he has a flank that is extremely vulnerable and could be attacked to cripple his ability to pursue this radical, left wing agenda. That vulnerability is the House of Representatives and more specifically the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and virtually all the chairmen: Frank, Rangel, Waxman, etc.
Strategy .......
The objective is clear...gain control or at least cripple the stranglehold the Democrats have in the House in 2010. This is far superior to looking at the Obama prospects in 2012. The strategy is to exploit the extremely low favorability numbers of the House leadership beginning with Pelosi and include every prominent chairman with bad public images e.g. Barney Frank.
Tactics ......
If nothing else borrow from the successful tactics the Democrats used on Bush and are now employing against the GOP. At every public opportunity key spokesmen for the GOP must tie Obama to Pelosi like a Siamese twin. Just as the Dems used Bush-Cheney to capitalize on Cheney's poor public image so too must Obama be saddled with Pelosi and also Harry Reid every moment of every day. Media outlets with conservative themes must be encouraged to use video images as much as possible of speaker Pelosi along with sound bites .. don't forget Reid and the others. Meanwhile, the RNC must do their homework and target every single vulnerable House seat or even slightly vulnerable and flood those districts with ads depicting the Representative from that area as being a lap dog of Nancy Pelosi's. Expose their voting records showing the master/slave relationship of that representative to Nancy Pelosi. The RNC must fund conservative candidates and withhold funding from Republicans in primary fights that are clearly RINOs. This effort should get underway NOW! Hell, look at the Pelosi airplane issue and recently having Charlie Rangel tell a constituent who challenged his alleged tax problems to "mind your goddamn business". Holy crap can you imagine what Carville and the boys would do with stuff like that.
Come on RNC, grow a pair! These guys can be stopped! In fact they must be stopped if we have any hope of preserving what's left of a free Republic and rebuild a nation of achievers!
So where is the strategy from the GOP folks? Do they even have an objective? There must be a clear objective before any strategy is set in motion implemented by effective tactics. I submit the following:
Objective .......
Gain control of one or both chambers in the Congress.
Reason .......
Bring Obama's agenda to a screeching halt.
Some discussion before setting the strategy.....
Any military commander worth his stars when faced with an enemy who has more numbers and controls the high ground would never advocate attacking the strength of the enemy head on. He would seek out a weak spot to exploit and employ tactics to support his strategy.
The GOP is embarked on a losing strategy. They are focusing their attention on Obama who has strong poll numbers and continued broad popular support enhanced by a friendly media. A formidable opponent indeed. Taking him on head on is a loser! But he has a flank that is extremely vulnerable and could be attacked to cripple his ability to pursue this radical, left wing agenda. That vulnerability is the House of Representatives and more specifically the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and virtually all the chairmen: Frank, Rangel, Waxman, etc.
Strategy .......
The objective is clear...gain control or at least cripple the stranglehold the Democrats have in the House in 2010. This is far superior to looking at the Obama prospects in 2012. The strategy is to exploit the extremely low favorability numbers of the House leadership beginning with Pelosi and include every prominent chairman with bad public images e.g. Barney Frank.
Tactics ......
If nothing else borrow from the successful tactics the Democrats used on Bush and are now employing against the GOP. At every public opportunity key spokesmen for the GOP must tie Obama to Pelosi like a Siamese twin. Just as the Dems used Bush-Cheney to capitalize on Cheney's poor public image so too must Obama be saddled with Pelosi and also Harry Reid every moment of every day. Media outlets with conservative themes must be encouraged to use video images as much as possible of speaker Pelosi along with sound bites .. don't forget Reid and the others. Meanwhile, the RNC must do their homework and target every single vulnerable House seat or even slightly vulnerable and flood those districts with ads depicting the Representative from that area as being a lap dog of Nancy Pelosi's. Expose their voting records showing the master/slave relationship of that representative to Nancy Pelosi. The RNC must fund conservative candidates and withhold funding from Republicans in primary fights that are clearly RINOs. This effort should get underway NOW! Hell, look at the Pelosi airplane issue and recently having Charlie Rangel tell a constituent who challenged his alleged tax problems to "mind your goddamn business". Holy crap can you imagine what Carville and the boys would do with stuff like that.
Come on RNC, grow a pair! These guys can be stopped! In fact they must be stopped if we have any hope of preserving what's left of a free Republic and rebuild a nation of achievers!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Caution, Obama at work!
The Taliban ....
So, the great one has pondered heavily of this issue in between Air Force One junkets and Wednesday night parties at the White House to arrive at profound juncture in the Afghanistan War. He proposes that the once proud United States now grovel at the feet of the "good" Taliban elements. Brilliant! But, Mr. O just how do we discern a "good" Taliban from a "bad" Taliban? Do they have gang tattoos? Or perhaps one group wears white sheets and the other black (oh, sorry, no offense). Maybe they have funny dots on their foreheads, damn I'm getting my Asian groups confused. But, I'm sure you have sorted it all out. Do have at it. Let's negotiate with the "good" Taliban. And just what is it we are prepared to give up, sir? Oh, only our self respect, security, and a few lives here and there). Hell, go for it Hussein ol buddy!
Stem Cell Research ....
Removing the barriers to Federal spending on Embryonic Stem Cell research the president cites the need for scientific integrity: ... no scientific data will be "distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda." So says BHO. Great! Tell you what Barack ol chum, let's apply that guideline to anthropogenic global warming! Ya think, just maybe, that the science has been distorted on this issue to forge a strategy that will strangle economic growth in the U.S. for decades? How about it, liar-in-chief?
Foreign relations....
Excellent title since matters of affairs foreign are indeed foreign to this president. In one week he has managed to soundly offend our strong ally, the British and through his incompetent State Department bureaucracy embarrass our country in front of the world with a huge Russian faux pas. The mislabeled wording is bad enough. Apparently we don't have anyone in our vast team of intelligence gathering linguistic experts who can translate the word "reset" into Russian! Holy crap, I hope they know how to translate the Russian world for "launch" when they hear it! But, even beyond that, how in the hell could our State Dept. present a "gift" to the Russians which is a box with a BIG RED BUTTON on it! Not yet (NYET) ready for prime time!
Cuban cigars anyone? ....
The father of the Cuban revolution must be puffing away like mad as our weak leader prepares to finally reward ol Fidel for his devastation of a once flourishing Cuban economy. But, Big O probably needs some solid advice as his own coup progresses and why not have a friend only 90 miles away with oodles of experience. Is Hugo next on the I love you list?
Hope and change is underway!
So, the great one has pondered heavily of this issue in between Air Force One junkets and Wednesday night parties at the White House to arrive at profound juncture in the Afghanistan War. He proposes that the once proud United States now grovel at the feet of the "good" Taliban elements. Brilliant! But, Mr. O just how do we discern a "good" Taliban from a "bad" Taliban? Do they have gang tattoos? Or perhaps one group wears white sheets and the other black (oh, sorry, no offense). Maybe they have funny dots on their foreheads, damn I'm getting my Asian groups confused. But, I'm sure you have sorted it all out. Do have at it. Let's negotiate with the "good" Taliban. And just what is it we are prepared to give up, sir? Oh, only our self respect, security, and a few lives here and there). Hell, go for it Hussein ol buddy!
Stem Cell Research ....
Removing the barriers to Federal spending on Embryonic Stem Cell research the president cites the need for scientific integrity: ... no scientific data will be "distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda." So says BHO. Great! Tell you what Barack ol chum, let's apply that guideline to anthropogenic global warming! Ya think, just maybe, that the science has been distorted on this issue to forge a strategy that will strangle economic growth in the U.S. for decades? How about it, liar-in-chief?
Foreign relations....
Excellent title since matters of affairs foreign are indeed foreign to this president. In one week he has managed to soundly offend our strong ally, the British and through his incompetent State Department bureaucracy embarrass our country in front of the world with a huge Russian faux pas. The mislabeled wording is bad enough. Apparently we don't have anyone in our vast team of intelligence gathering linguistic experts who can translate the word "reset" into Russian! Holy crap, I hope they know how to translate the Russian world for "launch" when they hear it! But, even beyond that, how in the hell could our State Dept. present a "gift" to the Russians which is a box with a BIG RED BUTTON on it! Not yet (NYET) ready for prime time!
Cuban cigars anyone? ....
The father of the Cuban revolution must be puffing away like mad as our weak leader prepares to finally reward ol Fidel for his devastation of a once flourishing Cuban economy. But, Big O probably needs some solid advice as his own coup progresses and why not have a friend only 90 miles away with oodles of experience. Is Hugo next on the I love you list?
Hope and change is underway!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Obama and the stock market
Our commander-in-chief, head of state, all knowing president has chimed in on the stock market. Here are a sampling of his outstanding insights ....
"On the other hand, what you're seeing now is profit and earning ratios (emphasis added) are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is potentially a good deal, if you have a long-term perspective on it"
The stock market, he says, "is sort of like a tracking poll in politics. It bobs up and down every day ... "
Wow, Obama (praise His name) is right on top of this isn't he? Not! He is so detuned from the capital engine of our capitalist based economy that he doesn't even understand the fundamental valuation of price to earnings. But, profit, price , what the hell it's all the same thing. Then to equate the market to political polling is beyond the pale! To somehow equate a series of subjective, opinion based , tabulations of partisans to the daily allocation of serious investment funds seeking to mitigate a variety of risks imposed on the marketplace by the government's actions demonstrates a pathetic isolation of Obama from the heart of our financial structure. Thus, making his attack on capitalism all that easier in his mind. The inexorable march to a total government control proceeds unimpeded because no one in the mainstream media is challenging this overt coup d'etat. However, as seen in an earlier post below there is a nascent movement underway by liberty loving individuals to combat this arrogant plunder of our nation's wealth and culture. Freedom, in the end, is a most powerful force!
"On the other hand, what you're seeing now is profit and earning ratios (emphasis added) are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is potentially a good deal, if you have a long-term perspective on it"
The stock market, he says, "is sort of like a tracking poll in politics. It bobs up and down every day ... "
Wow, Obama (praise His name) is right on top of this isn't he? Not! He is so detuned from the capital engine of our capitalist based economy that he doesn't even understand the fundamental valuation of price to earnings. But, profit, price , what the hell it's all the same thing. Then to equate the market to political polling is beyond the pale! To somehow equate a series of subjective, opinion based , tabulations of partisans to the daily allocation of serious investment funds seeking to mitigate a variety of risks imposed on the marketplace by the government's actions demonstrates a pathetic isolation of Obama from the heart of our financial structure. Thus, making his attack on capitalism all that easier in his mind. The inexorable march to a total government control proceeds unimpeded because no one in the mainstream media is challenging this overt coup d'etat. However, as seen in an earlier post below there is a nascent movement underway by liberty loving individuals to combat this arrogant plunder of our nation's wealth and culture. Freedom, in the end, is a most powerful force!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Fighting back!
It's happening ... take heart ... get involved!
Find more videos like this on Smart Girl Politics
The "We have had enough" revolution is underway!
Find more videos like this on Smart Girl Politics
The "We have had enough" revolution is underway!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Where are the adults?
Weekly shin digs at the White House including Stevie Wonder. Conga lines and cookies. Damn what a great country this is! Oh, says the president, I don’t pay attention the market. No, Mr. President you don’t have to. You and your pals have it made for life. It appears this is one big game of playing with all the toys and trappings of power. Yup, give ‘em a good speech now and then, dump on those “wascally” Republicans, and give a shot to Limbaugh now and then. Yup, that will keep ‘em happy. Meanwhile the peons are out here taking it right in the gut. 401ks, IRAs, retirement funds melting faster than the makeup on Nancy Pelosi’s face under TV lights. Maybe you are not watching the market , Mr. President, because it is now a reflection of your handiwork. Your sycophants make the excuse that you inherited the problem. Come to think of it that’s your mantra as well. I know you don’t follow the market, sir, but one of the market-101 basics is that the stock market is a LEADING INDICATOR of economic activity. This is not a vote on Bush but on your dismantling of capitalism. You see, sir, the stains are on your administration’s underwear now and the stench is permeating the country.
From economy to foreign affairs……
The beat goes on. In an incredibly amateurish move , you Mr. President have made a fool of yourself and put our country further at risk with your outrageous offer to the Russians. First of all your budget will reduce spending on missile deployments and that’s well known. With that strong position you decide to show the Russians a thing or two. Yup, fellas, we will not deploy our anti-missile system in Europe if you help us with those real bad guys over there in Iran. Please?! I’ve got some cookies! The vodka must be flowing in the Kremlin as well as an uptick in cracked ribs from excess laughter. Sen. Schumer has the gall to call your performance in this matter Reaganesque. Holy crap! The gipper jammed military might down the Russians’ throats and eventually brought communism to its knees. My God, if this is an example of how your administration will project America’s might, time to stock up on emergency supplies.
And now Cap and Trade …..
Nice work, Mr. President. Without paying attention to the market you have managed to drive it below DOW 7,000. I know you don’t understand the market, but you have a fondness for big numbers. Chew on this one: the Dow at this level has now given back OVER HALF the run up from the depths of the real depression to the market peak of 14,000 in 2007. It took only 17 months to eradicate half the market value that it took nearly 70 years to build!! Nearly 3,000 points and 30% drop SINCE YOUR ELECTION! Ah, but what the hell, let’s have some more cookies and conga lines and super bowl parties, and nice rides on Air Force 1. As you are fond of saying “We won”! Yup, and the corollary to that is WE LOST!
But, I digress. Cap and Trade. Your administration has ceded a premise of anthropogenic global warming on the basis of some flawed science and without a national technical debate on a huge economic issue. There is ample scientific argument to warrant this debate before we condemn our economy to a death sentence. CO2, bountiful in nature, yet small in proportion to atmospheric “greenhouse” gases remains a hotly (pardon the pun) contested issue as being the single most important climate driver. Yet, you are willing to bet our future on controlling CO2 levels by imposing severe restrictions on our energy production facilities throughout the country. You have all but condemned a real source of clean, bountiful energy to extinction by recently cutting funds for the Yucca mountain nuclear waste storage facility. Wonder what whorehouse Harry Reid had to do with that, or perhaps Nancy Pelosi’s reported multimillion dollar investment in the T.Boone Pickens windbag , er, windmill concept. The cap and trade, with revenues going to the government, is a monstrous ploy to transfer wealth from industry to government to allow government to buy influence and sustain power. All this of course under the mantle of greening the earth. The only thing this will turn green is the wallets of politicians and friends. Why do you fear the fresh air of open debate on this issue? Are we to be treated to another midnight steamroller by Pelosi and friends? Maybe you haven’t noticed the market lately, and I’ll bet you haven’t noticed the stirring of small groups throughout the country … check it out, it’s called grassroots and they don’t like paying up for tea!
From economy to foreign affairs……
The beat goes on. In an incredibly amateurish move , you Mr. President have made a fool of yourself and put our country further at risk with your outrageous offer to the Russians. First of all your budget will reduce spending on missile deployments and that’s well known. With that strong position you decide to show the Russians a thing or two. Yup, fellas, we will not deploy our anti-missile system in Europe if you help us with those real bad guys over there in Iran. Please?! I’ve got some cookies! The vodka must be flowing in the Kremlin as well as an uptick in cracked ribs from excess laughter. Sen. Schumer has the gall to call your performance in this matter Reaganesque. Holy crap! The gipper jammed military might down the Russians’ throats and eventually brought communism to its knees. My God, if this is an example of how your administration will project America’s might, time to stock up on emergency supplies.
And now Cap and Trade …..
Nice work, Mr. President. Without paying attention to the market you have managed to drive it below DOW 7,000. I know you don’t understand the market, but you have a fondness for big numbers. Chew on this one: the Dow at this level has now given back OVER HALF the run up from the depths of the real depression to the market peak of 14,000 in 2007. It took only 17 months to eradicate half the market value that it took nearly 70 years to build!! Nearly 3,000 points and 30% drop SINCE YOUR ELECTION! Ah, but what the hell, let’s have some more cookies and conga lines and super bowl parties, and nice rides on Air Force 1. As you are fond of saying “We won”! Yup, and the corollary to that is WE LOST!
But, I digress. Cap and Trade. Your administration has ceded a premise of anthropogenic global warming on the basis of some flawed science and without a national technical debate on a huge economic issue. There is ample scientific argument to warrant this debate before we condemn our economy to a death sentence. CO2, bountiful in nature, yet small in proportion to atmospheric “greenhouse” gases remains a hotly (pardon the pun) contested issue as being the single most important climate driver. Yet, you are willing to bet our future on controlling CO2 levels by imposing severe restrictions on our energy production facilities throughout the country. You have all but condemned a real source of clean, bountiful energy to extinction by recently cutting funds for the Yucca mountain nuclear waste storage facility. Wonder what whorehouse Harry Reid had to do with that, or perhaps Nancy Pelosi’s reported multimillion dollar investment in the T.Boone Pickens windbag , er, windmill concept. The cap and trade, with revenues going to the government, is a monstrous ploy to transfer wealth from industry to government to allow government to buy influence and sustain power. All this of course under the mantle of greening the earth. The only thing this will turn green is the wallets of politicians and friends. Why do you fear the fresh air of open debate on this issue? Are we to be treated to another midnight steamroller by Pelosi and friends? Maybe you haven’t noticed the market lately, and I’ll bet you haven’t noticed the stirring of small groups throughout the country … check it out, it’s called grassroots and they don’t like paying up for tea!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
In some cases the label hero is immediately obvious and appropriate as with the pilot of US Air's Flt 1549 Capt. "Sully" Sullenberger. The term hero also extends to many of our men and women serving in our armed forces. First responders including Firemen, Policemen, and EMT personnel also swell the ranks of heroes. Now, in the era of transformation for our nation, our cultural values and political systems are under enormous pressure to morph into some form of Euro-socialist society or worse! Since the Obama administration took office hardly a news cycle goes by that does not feature a politician or group of politicians attacking private enterprise. These attacks extend to excoriating and humiliating businessmen in the halls of Congress as if to satisfy some Coliseum like blood sport. So, in that environment when individuals stand up publicly to confront this form of tyranny they are to be applauded as heroes. The most recent such incident involved a CNBC commodities reporter and analyst, Rick Santelli. I had the pleasure of watching this event live and found myself cheering at the screen. Included with the event itself are two additional videos: one shows the White house response through the Press Secretary and the final is Santelli's retort to that. This whole episode, I believe, started a nationwide response of public demonstrations against the stimulus Bill and the mortgage bailout plan. To be sure, these demonstrations haven't reached the caliber of the more organized leftist marches, etc. but do reflect a growing manifestation of the frustration harbored by the producers and those that "play by the rules" in our country. It's an early shot across the bow to what hopefully will grow to a massive rejection of the New (Raw) Deal come the mid term elections in 2010.
Santelli speaks out!
White House Responds!
Santelli goes back at Gibbs!
And finally, take a look at this exchange between the U. Conn. head basketball coach and some egalitarian reporter who tried to embarrass the coach over his salary. The argument here is that since U. Conn is a state institution and the state's budget is under pressure that somehow it is unfair that the coach gets paid so much.....
Thank you coach Calhoun!
Santelli speaks out!
White House Responds!
Santelli goes back at Gibbs!
And finally, take a look at this exchange between the U. Conn. head basketball coach and some egalitarian reporter who tried to embarrass the coach over his salary. The argument here is that since U. Conn is a state institution and the state's budget is under pressure that somehow it is unfair that the coach gets paid so much.....
Thank you coach Calhoun!
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