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"The Right Place" blog presents a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to returning to and preserving the fundamental concepts of limited government, free markets, individual liberty and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Each of these areas are being challenged in today's political environment.

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We The People ........

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Washington DC Tea Party -9/12/09

I'm sure if you obtained your information from the so-called mainstream media regarding the 9/12 Washington Tea Party you would have scratched your head and said what's all the fuss about. Well, let me tell you from first hand observation. It was a tremendous display of grassroots, patriotic concern for the direction our country is headed. The outpouring of ordinary folks who traveled from coast-to-coast to be in D.C. that day was unforgettable. I had to laugh at the consistent low ball estimates of the crowd provided by the "media". Even FOX fell for the "Tens of Thousands" bromide. There is hard evidence that any crowd that fills the Capitol lawn out to the pond area and street reaches up to 240,000. That was done easily and much more if you include the overflow into the mall and surrounding coves. At the same time, hundreds of "Tea Parties" were held across the country adding hundreds of thousands more to the days participation. Personally, I believe DC's crowd was in the 400,000 plus range. Regardless of the number, however, the enthusiasm and commitment of the folks is the real story. I've included some photos in a slide show and some videos to help capture the excitement of the day and give a sense as to he size of this event.

It all started with tens of thousands marching one mile down Pennsylvania Ave. beginning near the White House and ending at the Capitol where they joined hundreds f thousands already assembled in front of the Capitol......here's a clip as we joined the marchers

And here's a collection of photos I took that day assembled into a slide show......

The mood was festive, yet serious about the issues. Although many of the signs were aimed at the president's policies, both parties in Congress were assailed as well. The most prevalent theme was that of preserving and restoring liberty. Many signs addressed government spending and of course the proliferation of Czars. There was a sense of great frustration that our voices are not being heard in Washington. That is reinforced by the shameless, gutless reaction of the national print and electronic media. This is truly a national disgrace. Even the politicians continue to ignore us or view us with disdain. Here's a quote from Congresswoman Maxine Waters just yesterday (Sept. 16)......

"I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed," Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. "I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers.""What I'm looking for is the very people who carry the signs who are referring to the policies in very, very strange ways like 'Obamacare' and 'Barry Obamacare with Kennedy,'" she said. "What I've been interested in is hearing from those people that everybody's referring to -- everybody on the Mall, in the rally."

I say to Ms. Maxine ...where the hell were you when the crowds on the lawn shouted "HERE WE ARE"! Under your desk cowering with the rest of the spineless Pelosi puppets!

But take heart,Maxine, we WILL be back bigger and better...somehow I don't expect to see or hear from you then either!

But should Maxine decide to show up here's what she is likely to see and hear from the lawn of the Capitol...... (note particularly the crowd chanting "here we are" and "we are not going away")

There were many speakers that day including some political figures like Senator Demint and Congressman Pence. For the most part there were speakers from various Tea Party groups across the country. There were some clever musical parodies as well. One in particular presented by Lloyd Marcus, member of the "Te Party Express" that crossed the country from California to DC in a van. The next 2 videos are of his parody on "New York New York" ... the first is taken from a production he posted on You Tube the next is my video of his presentation at the rally in DC.

Hope you all enjoy.........

In summary.....

In my opinion the September 12 Washington Tea Party was a huge success. But this is not the end but only the beginning. The folks that were commit ed enough to travel there and be heard will not stop there. There are elections coming and as we all sadly learned last November, elections have meaning! It is time for the real silent majority to be heard. WE should begin to see some early indicators this fall with gubernatorial races in NJ and VA. But, we can not leave it to chance. Sitting on the couch and cheering on Glenn Beck will get us no where. We must remain vigilant and active. Contact Representatives, write to editors, be active in support of campaigns, make donations carefully and wisely.

I promise this.....To all in Washington ...WE SHALL RETURN!