Welcome to The Right Place

"The Right Place" blog presents a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to returning to and preserving the fundamental concepts of limited government, free markets, individual liberty and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Each of these areas are being challenged in today's political environment.

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We The People ........

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Newt in 2012?

Keep an eye on this guy in the coming months ...

Is Newt angling for 2012? The interesting aspect of this video is how he takes GW Bush to task and rightfully so for the free spending years of his administration. Not shown in the video is Newt's reportedly encouraging the CPAC group to support ALL conservative candidates regardless of Party affiliation (CPAC is technically non-partison). This makes great sense. After all, it would be OK with me if half the Democrats in the House were supportive of conservative principles and were able to combat the left wing agenda being rammed through the Congress by Speaker Pelosi and her minions.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Timely Words for Today's Nation

Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931-2005) was Senior pastor of the 29,000-member Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tennessee, and three-time former president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The quote below is attributed to him.
(Wouldn't President Obama have been better served by pastor Rogers than the Rev. Wright?)

“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

Obama inexperienced? Not!

I read a statement on a stock message board today that lamented that the real problem with Obama is that he lacks experience!

Here's the reply I posted:

Nonsense...He is extremely experienced in the direction he is taking this country ...pure, unadulterated Socialism with a smattering of Marxism. Why are you surprised? This was his culture. This is what the so called mainstream media refused to vett to the public. Look at the Chicago political environment he came out of. Look at what he said in his early writings. For Pete sake, Joe the Plumber sniffed out this socialist snake. Our only hope, damn I hate to use that word, is to eradicate the Democrats from chair controls of the House in 2010. Even then, it may be too late. All these Bills being passed contain insidious entitlements that will sadle the economy for decades.Kiss a once proud Republic goodbye!

Caution, Rats at work!

Just when you thought it was safe to utter "Free Speech", the rats begin nibbling at your toes. Yes, the Senate thanks to Senator DeMint (R., SC) passed the Broadcaster Freedom Act .....but , recognizing that free speech can be halted by other means, Senator Durbin (D., IL) got an amendment passed (57-41 all Republicans dissenting) which states the following: “To encourage and promote diversity in communication media ownership, and to ensure that the public airwaves are used in the public interest.” Their strategy is clear, use back door methods to achieve their goal to control radio content. In fact Durbin and Senator Stabenow (D, MI), another outspoken advocate of controlling the airwaves, BOTH voted FOR the DeMint Bill. Now that's chutzpah! Now they have the cover to say they supported free speech while , like rats in the night, are chewing away at the precious bone marrow of our basic freedom. We can not be too vigilant!

Monday, February 23, 2009

We The People Petition

Whereas actions undertaken, as set forth in this petition, by the Obama administration (henceforth referred to as “The Administration”) are antithetical to the precepts upon which our country was formed as defined by the U.S. Constitution and …

Whereas precipitous action by the House of Representatives and the US Senate in passing The Economic Recovery Act of 2009 (henceforth referred to as “The Act”) without time sufficient for the peoples’ representatives to prudently review said document and ….

Whereas The Act contains elements in direct contravention to Amendment 10 of the U.S. Constitution and …

Whereas The Act, serving as a policy Trojan Horse, contains mandates in areas such as welfare, healthcare, and “the environment” that succeed in bypassing appropriate debate with far reaching implications and ….

Whereas the government through massive spending contained in various bailouts as well as The Act are demonstrating reckless fiscal judgment resulting in deferring massive debt to future citizens and ….

Whereas The Administration is attempting to politicize the 2010 census in an unprecedented move to transfer power to the Executive Branch in contravention to Article II Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution and amended in part by Amendment 14 and …..

Whereas The Administration, through Executive Order, by ordering the closure of Guantanamo Bay with a simple declaration that such move will make us “safer” and providing no further evidence to support such assertion may in fact be jeopardizing the security of the United States and violating the fundamental role of government and ….

Whereas in contradiction to The Administration’s assertion that The Act is free of “earmarks” and “pork”, we the people assert that numerous provisions within the Act accrue to the political benefit of certain individuals, organizations, and governances and …..

Whereas the actions of The Administration during this “financial crisis” are punitive to the free market origins of our Republic and supportive of a broader context of a European style Socialized society without the approval of “we the people” and …..
Whereas on numerous occasions in both the Senate and The House, private citizen businessmen are brought before committees and excoriated and humiliated by politicians whose own failures are well known and ….

Whereas the government continues to fail to protect our borders or the integrity of our population against illegal aliens and……

Whereas without serious national debate the government is embarked on preventing anthropogenic global warming, ignoring significant scientific evidence that contradicts the premise, the result of which will be crippling statutes endangering our economy for decades and…..

Whereas the actions described above serve to disenfranchise the general public as reflected in numerous polls clamoring opposition to the massive redistribution of wealth and insertion of government into the private sector …..

Be it resolved that we the people require specific elected officials to be designated by us shall appear, under oath, to be questioned in all these matters. The venue and format for such a public meeting shall be set forth by the people.