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We The People ........

Monday, April 6, 2009

Where are we headed?

It is the State which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity.
Benito Mussolini

Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.
Barack Obama
I am in agreement with Glenn Beck and others who are now positing that the the Obama administration is taking us on a path that is more akin to fascism than socialism. Frankly, the academic debate that may engender is interesting but in reality either path puts us all in a place we should avoid with all our might. The "F" word, however is more insidious than the "S" word in that government extends its pernicious grasp in a most deceitful manner. We are witnessing these moves virtually daily. The TARP is a classic example of government establishing a "foothold" in a business enterprise followed retroactively by regulatory entrapment. All this is done by the exercise of power through the Executive Branch primarily with the assistance of a malleable legislature. The next prey to fall is the automobile industry. Can anyone have imagined that a U.S. President could step in and remove a CEO of a major corporation, redesign its Board and issue a national government warranty for the corporation's products? The domino train will proceed to complete the circle to encapsulate automobiles and energy into one government controlled cacoon. It's so transparent yet frightening to watch this tsunami of destruction of liberty take place before our eyes. As recently reported in Investor Business Daily:
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has canceled leases for energy exploration on 77 parcels of federal land in Utah, confirming that this White House is indeed a Small Oil administration.The previous administration, which was not beholden to environmental special interests and seemed to understand the importance of energy, had released 130,000 acres of largely uninhabited — and uninhabitable — land for oil and gas exploration.Some of the parcels are in or near the Green River Formation, an oil-rich region in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming that has the largest known oil shale deposits in the world, holding from 1.5 trillion to 1.8 trillion barrels of crude.
Although the Senate recently stalled the Cap and Trade movement it still lurks out there. The direction that Obama is attempting to take us under the guise of saving the planet is to have an energy/transportation complex under total command and control by the government. Skirmishes such as demonizing private sector management and turning loose ACORN nuts to harass businessmen and pursue a pro union agenda are all elements of the strategy. Sure, the stock market will "be allowed" to function and the appearances of a market based economy will be sustained to provide sustenance to the ever expanding needs of a gorged government. Education. meanwhile, has all but fallen to government control. The enormous influence of teachers unions and leftist professorial and administrator roles has locked up that sector. Their reward is more of our hard earned money is being siphoned off to that sector through the so called stimulus act. Pressures are mounting on private and home schooling activities. Freedom is being stripped from parents ruthlessly as we just witnessed by the elimination of vouchers in the DC school system. Parents are losing control across the country in areas of cultural development as well. The nanny state knows what's best for its children. The biggest shoe to drop will be health care. When that falls , the triangle is complete. Government control of energy and transportation; government control of education; government control of health care. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Then, the larger objective of a new world order can be pursued with a controlled and subdued socio-economic base in a once proud Republic.
Like it? I don't. We can still stop this madness but it will take major effort and above all leadership. There are signs throughout the country that the effort is indeed mounting ...leadership...that's another story. But as sure as Reagan followed Carter I'm confident that the post Obama era is worth waiting for.

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