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We The People ........

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Nation of Cowards??

Recently our U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, accused us of being a "..Nation of cowards" when it comes to addressing matters of race. Just how brave is AG Holder when it comes to addressing the racist aspects of affirmative action?

Holder aside, cowardice is beginning to take a front seat in the Obama administration. Let's examine some recent events. During Obama's recent trip overseas he decided that the once proud nation of the USA should now bow before a monarch whose society trashes women and other religions and was the ethnic origin of all 19 9/11 terrorists! Such deference! Meanwhile the "O" team thought it best NOT to visit Normandy on this trip.


The president had a great time on this trip using every opportunity to apologize for the USA, bash George Bush, and praise Islam. The left wing press applauds His great statesmanship. From a recent Op Ed piece in the NY Times comes the following gush:

"The salutary fact is that when you look at the grinning group photograph, there is only one face you want to see. This conference was about saving the world, but more important for the participants, it was about saving their political lives. Mr. Obama is the only popular politician left in the world. He would win an election in any one of the G-20 countries, and his fellow world leaders will do anything to take home a touch of that reflected popularity.
We may be in the rare position of having an American president who has a deeper mandate among people who could never vote for him than with those who did. For the time being, he has only to offer his hand, and ask politely.

And so, our great , admired Leader marched on throwing rose petals at the Europeans and throwing the USA under the bus .....

From Obama ...."It's always harder to forge true partnerships and sturdy alliances than to act alone. ... In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of ... seeking to partner with you ... there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

The bravery of this man to stand before Europeans, who for the most part look down their noses at us and despise our aggressive capitalist heritage in favor of their own brand of mind numbing socialism, is breathtaking! Cowards?

Meanwhile Laura Ingraham holds her own with Matt Lauer as she addresses our Leader's bended knee approach in Europe....

And so , Obama Braveheart goes on to Turkey where he proclaims that the USA is not a Nation of Christians .....(can't leave this guy alone without a teleprompter) ......

It might be useful for President Obama and many of our citizens to view the following video before proclaiming we are a nation comprised simply of secular citizens, denouncing our heritage as a nation founded in Christian ideals....

Is it courageous, given the current admiration for secular progressive thinking, to de-emphasize our Judeo-Christian heritage? Seems to me that cowards would prefer the path of least derision and sadly that path these days is increasingly anti Christian. so who are the Cowards?

Do brave men and women boldly seek opportunity to excel based on their skills and efforts or do they cowardly seek refuge at the bosom of a nanny government?

Who are the cowards AG Holder?

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