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"The Right Place" blog presents a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to returning to and preserving the fundamental concepts of limited government, free markets, individual liberty and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Each of these areas are being challenged in today's political environment.

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We The People ........

Monday, March 30, 2009

Capitalism under seige!

Shocking! It is barely over 2 months since the inauguration of president Obama and the destruction of capitalism is proceeding at a breakneck speed with nary a whimper from the media and only tepid response from the GOP. Yet, look what's happened and is about to happen as well as what may happen. A two pronged attack on the major pillars of U.S. Commerce are under attack. The government is boldly using our tax money as well as borrowed and printed money to gain control of the banking and automobile industries. The poor bastards that accepted government money soon learned that their benefactor was no better than a Godfather Corleone loan arrangement. He's making them all offers they can't refuse. Today's action was classic fascist/mafioso! Obama , after toying with GM for several months pulled the rug out from under the GM CEO. The real reason is that the government can now control the makeup of GM and install its own "team". Look for positions on the new Board at Government Motors (GM) to include environmentalists, union personnnel, and greenies. Then Government Motors will become Green Motors (GM). To complete the strategy el duce wannabe said to Chrysler , "hey, nothing personal, only business...you guys go make a deal with my Italian buddies at Fiat and I'll give you my blessing, understand?" So there we have it. Little shit boxes made in Italy will be the early green wave to be followed by the government designed green buggies at GM. Then there will be a massive global warming attack on SUVs and "oversized" sedans, etc. It will begin with painful excise taxes on these vehicles. The ultimate move will be a mandate that all owners of "listed" vehicles have six months to "trade" in their enemies of the planet at your local government car dealer for a "fair value" trade toward an eco friendly Al Gore approved shit box.

The obscene level of spending that Obama has embarked on will bankrupt us. That's not just my opinion but was recently specifically put that way by Senator Judd Gregg(R-NH)! There are already rumblings regarding abandoning the dollar for a "global" reserve currency. Again, not rumors from wild eyed conspiratorialists but from our own Tiny Tim Geithner. In any case, the rate of spending and accumulation of debt is beyond what the economy can support for years if not for ever given that Social Security and Medicare will explode on the scene very shortly. So we can either look forward to waking up some day to learn that the dollar is kaput and we can go to the government banks when they re-open to get our new funny global paper. (All the more reason to have some gold tucked away). Or, they may simply try to print their way out of debt resulting in super if not hyper inflation.

So there you have it. In only 2 short months. Chaos and destruction of wealth.

He's not done there, however. Redistribution of wealth is proceeding headlong. It will get worse with time. The insidious nature of the Obama plan is that those that pay no tax at all is approaching 50%. This is a formula for perpetuating the socialist agenda.

And finally, we can all look forward to National Health Care! Make no mistake, it will happen. The House and Senate are set up for it. In fact, Pelosi has already indicated she may use the "reconciliation" move which in essence ignores the minority party allowing legislation to be rammed through on a one party vote. Let's see how the UAW likes that as their sweetheart health plans get replaced by your friendly government worker agent. After all, some folks have called GM a Health Plan company that happens to make cars.

Do not despair, however. We can still save our Republic. Watch the grassroots movements like the Tea Parties and others grow to impressive dimensions such that the national media will have to report it. Obama is going to eventually tip over the wrong bowl of rice and some of his "friends" will get pissed off. When the media turns on Him it won't be pretty. Take a reading from the NY special election on March 31st to fill the House seat vacated by the person appointed to Hillary's Senate seat. A win by Jim Tedisco (R) will be significant. But we all must do more than watch! Work for candidates, write letters to editors, contribute to candidates not the party machine, debate your friends, get smart on the truth about global warming. By the way, I haven't even touched on Cap and Trade here (mentioned it in an earlier post).

I've got to run now because I have a warranty issue on my GM car and I need to get hold of my new warrantor, Barack Hussein Obama!

Who is John Galt?