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We The People ........

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's talk strategy

I can't believe the head of the RNC, Michael Steele getting suckered into a losing brick brack with Rush Limbaugh. Yet, he did and it was masterfully engineered and strategized by the Democrat brain trust of Rahm Emanuel, James Carville, and Stanley Greenberg. Objective: Fracture the Republican support and cause a diversion from the outrageous new spending bill. Mission accomplished!

So where is the strategy from the GOP folks? Do they even have an objective? There must be a clear objective before any strategy is set in motion implemented by effective tactics. I submit the following:

Objective .......
Gain control of one or both chambers in the Congress.
Reason .......
Bring Obama's agenda to a screeching halt.

Some discussion before setting the strategy.....
Any military commander worth his stars when faced with an enemy who has more numbers and controls the high ground would never advocate attacking the strength of the enemy head on. He would seek out a weak spot to exploit and employ tactics to support his strategy.
The GOP is embarked on a losing strategy. They are focusing their attention on Obama who has strong poll numbers and continued broad popular support enhanced by a friendly media. A formidable opponent indeed. Taking him on head on is a loser! But he has a flank that is extremely vulnerable and could be attacked to cripple his ability to pursue this radical, left wing agenda. That vulnerability is the House of Representatives and more specifically the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and virtually all the chairmen: Frank, Rangel, Waxman, etc.

Strategy .......
The objective is clear...gain control or at least cripple the stranglehold the Democrats have in the House in 2010. This is far superior to looking at the Obama prospects in 2012. The strategy is to exploit the extremely low favorability numbers of the House leadership beginning with Pelosi and include every prominent chairman with bad public images e.g. Barney Frank.

Tactics ......
If nothing else borrow from the successful tactics the Democrats used on Bush and are now employing against the GOP. At every public opportunity key spokesmen for the GOP must tie Obama to Pelosi like a Siamese twin. Just as the Dems used Bush-Cheney to capitalize on Cheney's poor public image so too must Obama be saddled with Pelosi and also Harry Reid every moment of every day. Media outlets with conservative themes must be encouraged to use video images as much as possible of speaker Pelosi along with sound bites .. don't forget Reid and the others. Meanwhile, the RNC must do their homework and target every single vulnerable House seat or even slightly vulnerable and flood those districts with ads depicting the Representative from that area as being a lap dog of Nancy Pelosi's. Expose their voting records showing the master/slave relationship of that representative to Nancy Pelosi. The RNC must fund conservative candidates and withhold funding from Republicans in primary fights that are clearly RINOs. This effort should get underway NOW! Hell, look at the Pelosi airplane issue and recently having Charlie Rangel tell a constituent who challenged his alleged tax problems to "mind your goddamn business". Holy crap can you imagine what Carville and the boys would do with stuff like that.

Come on RNC, grow a pair! These guys can be stopped! In fact they must be stopped if we have any hope of preserving what's left of a free Republic and rebuild a nation of achievers!

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