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We The People ........

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where are the adults?

Weekly shin digs at the White House including Stevie Wonder. Conga lines and cookies. Damn what a great country this is! Oh, says the president, I don’t pay attention the market. No, Mr. President you don’t have to. You and your pals have it made for life. It appears this is one big game of playing with all the toys and trappings of power. Yup, give ‘em a good speech now and then, dump on those “wascally” Republicans, and give a shot to Limbaugh now and then. Yup, that will keep ‘em happy. Meanwhile the peons are out here taking it right in the gut. 401ks, IRAs, retirement funds melting faster than the makeup on Nancy Pelosi’s face under TV lights. Maybe you are not watching the market , Mr. President, because it is now a reflection of your handiwork. Your sycophants make the excuse that you inherited the problem. Come to think of it that’s your mantra as well. I know you don’t follow the market, sir, but one of the market-101 basics is that the stock market is a LEADING INDICATOR of economic activity. This is not a vote on Bush but on your dismantling of capitalism. You see, sir, the stains are on your administration’s underwear now and the stench is permeating the country.

From economy to foreign affairs……
The beat goes on. In an incredibly amateurish move , you Mr. President have made a fool of yourself and put our country further at risk with your outrageous offer to the Russians. First of all your budget will reduce spending on missile deployments and that’s well known. With that strong position you decide to show the Russians a thing or two. Yup, fellas, we will not deploy our anti-missile system in Europe if you help us with those real bad guys over there in Iran. Please?! I’ve got some cookies! The vodka must be flowing in the Kremlin as well as an uptick in cracked ribs from excess laughter. Sen. Schumer has the gall to call your performance in this matter Reaganesque. Holy crap! The gipper jammed military might down the Russians’ throats and eventually brought communism to its knees. My God, if this is an example of how your administration will project America’s might, time to stock up on emergency supplies.

And now Cap and Trade …..
Nice work, Mr. President. Without paying attention to the market you have managed to drive it below DOW 7,000. I know you don’t understand the market, but you have a fondness for big numbers. Chew on this one: the Dow at this level has now given back OVER HALF the run up from the depths of the real depression to the market peak of 14,000 in 2007. It took only 17 months to eradicate half the market value that it took nearly 70 years to build!! Nearly 3,000 points and 30% drop SINCE YOUR ELECTION! Ah, but what the hell, let’s have some more cookies and conga lines and super bowl parties, and nice rides on Air Force 1. As you are fond of saying “We won”! Yup, and the corollary to that is WE LOST!

But, I digress. Cap and Trade. Your administration has ceded a premise of anthropogenic global warming on the basis of some flawed science and without a national technical debate on a huge economic issue. There is ample scientific argument to warrant this debate before we condemn our economy to a death sentence. CO2, bountiful in nature, yet small in proportion to atmospheric “greenhouse” gases remains a hotly (pardon the pun) contested issue as being the single most important climate driver. Yet, you are willing to bet our future on controlling CO2 levels by imposing severe restrictions on our energy production facilities throughout the country. You have all but condemned a real source of clean, bountiful energy to extinction by recently cutting funds for the Yucca mountain nuclear waste storage facility. Wonder what whorehouse Harry Reid had to do with that, or perhaps Nancy Pelosi’s reported multimillion dollar investment in the T.Boone Pickens windbag , er, windmill concept. The cap and trade, with revenues going to the government, is a monstrous ploy to transfer wealth from industry to government to allow government to buy influence and sustain power. All this of course under the mantle of greening the earth. The only thing this will turn green is the wallets of politicians and friends. Why do you fear the fresh air of open debate on this issue? Are we to be treated to another midnight steamroller by Pelosi and friends? Maybe you haven’t noticed the market lately, and I’ll bet you haven’t noticed the stirring of small groups throughout the country … check it out, it’s called grassroots and they don’t like paying up for tea!

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