Welcome to The Right Place

"The Right Place" blog presents a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to returning to and preserving the fundamental concepts of limited government, free markets, individual liberty and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Each of these areas are being challenged in today's political environment.

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We The People ........

Sunday, March 1, 2009


In some cases the label hero is immediately obvious and appropriate as with the pilot of US Air's Flt 1549 Capt. "Sully" Sullenberger. The term hero also extends to many of our men and women serving in our armed forces. First responders including Firemen, Policemen, and EMT personnel also swell the ranks of heroes. Now, in the era of transformation for our nation, our cultural values and political systems are under enormous pressure to morph into some form of Euro-socialist society or worse! Since the Obama administration took office hardly a news cycle goes by that does not feature a politician or group of politicians attacking private enterprise. These attacks extend to excoriating and humiliating businessmen in the halls of Congress as if to satisfy some Coliseum like blood sport. So, in that environment when individuals stand up publicly to confront this form of tyranny they are to be applauded as heroes. The most recent such incident involved a CNBC commodities reporter and analyst, Rick Santelli. I had the pleasure of watching this event live and found myself cheering at the screen. Included with the event itself are two additional videos: one shows the White house response through the Press Secretary and the final is Santelli's retort to that. This whole episode, I believe, started a nationwide response of public demonstrations against the stimulus Bill and the mortgage bailout plan. To be sure, these demonstrations haven't reached the caliber of the more organized leftist marches, etc. but do reflect a growing manifestation of the frustration harbored by the producers and those that "play by the rules" in our country. It's an early shot across the bow to what hopefully will grow to a massive rejection of the New (Raw) Deal come the mid term elections in 2010.

Santelli speaks out!

White House Responds!

Santelli goes back at Gibbs!

And finally, take a look at this exchange between the U. Conn. head basketball coach and some egalitarian reporter who tried to embarrass the coach over his salary. The argument here is that since U. Conn is a state institution and the state's budget is under pressure that somehow it is unfair that the coach gets paid so much.....

Thank you coach Calhoun!

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