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"The Right Place" blog presents a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to returning to and preserving the fundamental concepts of limited government, free markets, individual liberty and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Each of these areas are being challenged in today's political environment.

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We The People ........

Friday, March 20, 2009

Real Climate Change

There's a definite chill this morning throughout the country. This phenomenon, however, is not meteorological. It is tyrannical! We are witnessing an astonishing unleashing of government power against citizens. The Congress , reacting to a populist lynch mob mentality flamed by the president , the media, and hypocritical members of the legislature have come up with the ultimate solution...the full force of government against businessmen. We'll show them who's boss they cry. Now, there is room for debate about the merits of some of the bonuses paid at AIG strictly on a performance basis. But when a fascist takeover of an enterprise by ham handed government takes place there is no room for objective analysis. Government, frustrated by their own impotence to manage anything efficiently lashes out to cover up their own culpability. Imagine Charlie Rangel, with the stench of tax cheating on his slick hair, bellowing at AIG and delighting in the fact that after the Fed takes 90% the States will take the rest. Now that's justice! Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi (give me some more of that inside stock in windmills gal) and land deal whorehouse Harry Reid all jumping on board the pitch fork brigade! Sadly, much of the public , fueled by union and "community organizer" demonstrations delight in seeing those greedy bastards at AIG get theirs!
But where does a blood lust government stop? Who's next on the list? Which weapon of wholesale destruction will be used next, IRS, EPA, DOE, Commerce, Congress, Executive Order?

We are witnessing an all out attack on capitalism at every level of government. Using the tax code to punish citizens is frightening enough. But that is just the beginning. More and more of our freedoms will come under fire in the coming months and years under this power crazed administration. The reckless spending is accumulating a massive debt which will smother economic activity for decades. If allowed, National health care will become a curse on all of us. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TRUST YOUR HEALTH CARE TO THESE FOOLS you are witnessing at their "very best" in the AIG so called crisis?
Will you let them continue to lie about man made global warming to pass the largest money grab scheme we have ever seen with a Cap and Trade statute? The C&P monster will hit everyone smack in the wallet through huge increases in utility and energy costs. Businesses will again come under attack for "destroying" the planet thus giving an excuse for more confiscatory action against them and ultimately a takeover. Technology, once the engine of progress and a sense of pride in the USA will be used against the citizenry. The early steps in that direction were contained in the so called stimulus bill with the electronic medical records "plan". Sounds innocent enough, right? Makes medical delivery more efficient, etc. If it were in the hands of the providers and patients I would agree. But massive medical information on all of us in the hands of government is a prescription for disaster. Decisions on delivery systems can now be made in Washington based on "numbers".
You are hearing more talk on the energy side about the "smart grid". Sounds great! Efficient management of energy, right? Wrong! The ultimate goal is to extend the intelligent system down to the consumer level where control of every aspect of your energy consumption will be in the hands of government. The result will be to create financial penalties for "over use" of energy or out and out rationing for the greater good of the planet.

So go ahead, revel in the new direction. Hope and change! Appearances on Jay Leno! Teleprompter speeches right out of Orwell's 1984 . Oh, sigh, isn't he wonderful ...so articulate.

Who is John Galt?